Efter Regnen faldt - Eng. title: After the rain fell - is the product of a project that started in Sardinia Italy back in 2012. Cycling on empty roads in 34c heat, made the traveling speed rather slow and little things you normally wouldn't really pay attention to, started catching my eyes. Different vegetations, how the wind would move in the trees, the sounds and the animals... The animals that no longer had a voice. So many species that had left their lives right here on the roads where I was biking. I started photographing them.
A documentation you might say and I saw many.
A breakup happened and I lost the pictures, so the project got packed away in the memories. So did the photography. 7 years later my path lead me back into the photography world and sent me on a Photography school - KBH Film & Fotoskole. I found the chance to get back to this project on my second semester, where our project was to make a Photobook. This time I did not have time to go back to Sardinia, so my project became about danish roadkill and this is what came out of it.
Efter regnen faldt
Under asfaltens visir
har vi gemt os
fra verdens monotone brummen
Pansrede turbiner
sugede os til jorden
og vi sank i grus
som jordens dybeste hemmeligheder
Vi ligger nu
fastgroet som magneter
mellem pakis og beton
i kollisionernes evige maskine
Mumificeret for en stund
mens krystaller skærer sig
igennem kødets strukturer
og splitter os i atomer
Efter regnen faldt
forsvandt vi fra overfladen
og alt omkring blev stumt
See the digital version of the book here